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Charitable Causes

Lost & Found Creative have proudly contributed to many charitable causes both locally and nationally over the last year. We feel it’s important to take time out of the hustle and bustle of the design world and contribute where we can. This may be financially, through sharing our knowledge and experience or sometimes it is as simple as offering time. There is no methodology in deciding who we support and when we contribute, however causes are often selected due to some form of personal connection to one of the L&F team or supporting team.


During 2018-19 we have supported and contributed to the following charities:

The England Walking Football Team – Player Sponsor for the European Nations Cup. https://thewfa.co.uk

The Power of Polo – Contribution of literature design for free for fundraising event. https://www.powerofpolo.org.uk

Gloucestershire Young Carers – reduce rate on services. Implementation of rebrand. Marketing support and guidance. Mentoring of student support team. http://www.glosyoungcarers.org.uk 

Gloucestershire University – Creative support and guidance. Portfolio sessions.

Cheltenham Design Festival – Creation of a typographic poster to be sold at the 2019 Festival. https://cheltdesignfestival.org

Westonbirt School – Careers event and mentoring (event will be held in September)

Birdlip & Brimpsfield Cricket Club – Banner sponsorship and financial support. Help with marketing.

Eastington Easter Egg – Location sponsorship and design of literature (Leaflet / Easter Egg Hunt map).

Massa Red Tribe – RedTribe aims to bring lasting change and a sustainable future through culturally relevant, biblical and holistic integral development. Over the next 12 months we hope to offer a rebrand at a reduced rate to support this cause.

Fat Boys Do DW – Sponsorship and design of charity boat race from Devizes to Westminster.


We appreciate the challenge that charities have to raise funds and be heard. If you need support or guidance, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help. Email: info@lostandfoundcreative.co.uk
