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What is Get Lost?

We like to inspire and be inspired! By emerging ourselves in a creative world we hope to provide creative inspiration when faced with creative challenges.

‘Get Lost!’ as a concept is our opportunity to explore the idea of being Lost & Found.

Over time we hope to build a portfolio of creative exploration, covering as many artistic disciplines as possible. Get Lost covers a variety of disciplines ranging from art to photography, sculpture to architecture.

Many of the following items have been found on PinInterest and on a variety of design blogs, and where appropriate we have given a reference or provided a credit to the artist, allowing you to continue the creative journey.

We very much welcome your ideas and suggestions for exploration. If you are an artist, musician, photographer, illustrator, poet or someone who is just creatively minded, please do get in touch by emailing us at: info@lostandfoundcreative.co.uk


Be inspired